Australia is a nation of gaming enthusiasts. Figures support that claim, as it has been revealed that 81% of all people Down Under play video games. Although most casually participate for enjoyment, some take it a little more seriously.
eSports – otherwise known as competitive gaming – has taken off across Aus, with many having embraced the various advancements that have been made in recent decades.
Improvements in the internet, greater accessibility, and newer innovative technologies have allowed this industry to thrive.
There have been many who have become successful as eSports athletes to come from Australia, with Anathan Pham (ANA), Damien Chok (KPIL), James Giezen (TGLN), and Justin Savage (JKS) having been among the best in terms of prize money won all-time. For instance, ‘ana’ and ‘kpil’ have managed to win more than $1 million each as Dota 2 athletes.
In addition to many gamers taking their sessions to the next level and looking to turn their dream into reality, there have been many who have taken an interest in competitive gaming as a fun betting activity.
The video games played – Dota 2, Fortnite, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Rocket League, etc. – are among the most popular games that bettors often wager on, as they feature many markets akin to those found with traditional sports options.
Those who are new to wagering on eSports will often look at the reviews of top gambling sites to make sure they know what they are doing, as they will be able to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.
According to figures, Australians represented 16% of the total eSports betting market, making them the nation with the most people who wagered on competitive gaming.
This is perhaps an indicator of just how popular gaming is across the country and how enthusiastic people are about the activity.
How Did Competitive Gaming Start in Australia?
Players were able to form online communities and engage with other like-minded players, with organizations like CyberGamer and the Australian eSports League being born.
Since then, the industry has evolved in numerous ways. As highlighted, the eSports market has been thriving. Young Australians have been a key driving force behind its success, with the audience often mainly being passionate and engaged.
This has led to the creation of regular tournaments and leagues being played.
What Impact Has Competitive Gaming Had on Australia?
To fully appreciate and gauge the impact that competitive gaming has had on Australia and how it has evolved over the last couple of decades, it can be wise to take a look at how it has influenced society.
It has significantly boosted the country’s economy, and a PwC report predicts it will reach AUS$92.3 million by 2024. This is because numerous revenue opportunities, including jobs and sponsorships, will have been formed.
Additionally, a number of universities across the country have decided to implement specific degrees and programs that can teach students how to be successful in pursuing an eSports career.
For instance, QUT and the University of Sydney have eSports programs as part of their courses offering talented individuals.
Perhaps the best way to understand how far competitive gaming has evolved is through the recognition that the Australian government has given it in recent years.
In 2017, the government made eSports a legitimate sport and has been doing much more to promote the gaming industry domestically.
Numerous programs and schemes have been considered to encourage its growth, which could potentially expand the eSports scene even further.
Regulatory bodies have even been set up, suggesting that the country’s competitive gaming scene is very important. The eSports Games Association Australia is one example, which oversees various elements to promote a safer and fairer eSports industry.
Can Australia’s Competitive Gaming Scene Evolve Further?
The future certainly looks bright where Australia’s competitive gaming industry is concerned. The report by PwC suggests that there will be an increase of 20% annually across various aspects of the industry.
Revenues, market size, the number of players, investment increases, and much more.
As eSports has been recognized as a traditional sport in recent years, it would not be surprising to see many more youngsters beginning to pick it up as an activity, especially as Australia has a cultural passion for gaming.
Accepting it as a sport may also provide it with a new platform, as there may be even more focus and attention on the activity, which could heighten its popularity with new audiences.
Of course, technology improvements are also likely to help the industry evolve further. New infrastructure may be created to help develop the sport, which could also make Australia more competitive globally.
Competitive gaming is certainly a promising industry for Australia and one that the country will likely look to try to continue to grow and evolve as it may look to become a world leader.
Our Thoughts
Competitive Gaming in Australia has evolved from a niche interest to a major force in global esports. This growth showcases the passion and skill of the Australian gaming community. As it continues to expand, Australian esports sets an impressive example in the world of competitive digital entertainment.