When playing Virtual Family, the first thing you should ensure is that there is enough food in the refrigerator for the virtual family members to feed themselves.
Apart from this, whenever any family member in the game of Virtual Family gets sick or has hiccups in Virtual Family. It’s the player’s responsibility to cure their sickness and help them improve their health.
If the in-game status of the players displays ‘A Bit Sick,’ then you have to pick and drop them here and there several times until their action line indicates the symptoms they are having.
This is necessary, as the symptoms shown by the family members will only help the players determine which medication they should purchase from the store.
In addition to the listed illnesses and medications, virtual family members can also get certain other kinds of infections, which require certain antibiotics.
For this, the players can also purchase a doctor’s consultation from the in-game store. Here, in this particular article, we will let you know how you, as players, can cure the hiccups in Virtual Family, along with other crucial details related to the sickness of the in-game characters.
So, without any further ado, let’s get started with this comprehensive, information-filled article.
Sickness in Virtual Family
Well, the family members in the game have their status in the game. From time to time, the player must keep checking their status. This status may show either ‘Just Sick’ or a Little Bit Sick status.
Thus, this clearly indicates that the member of the virtual family is sick and should be cured immediately by the players.
The symptoms that they show would appear in the action bar. These symptoms include:-
- throat doesn’t feel right
- oww, my head is hurting
- can’t stop coughing
In the upcoming head, we will be explaining the cure for every possible problem to you, which you can try on the members of your Virtual Family.
After you have seen the possible symptoms in the family members, it’s now time for you to diagnose their problems and provide them with the best treatments.
Diagnoses on the patients of the Virtual Family members can be done by:-
- Dragging them to the different places in the game, until their action bar shows a symptom.
- Make sure you turn on your speaker and sound and listen to the noise created by the person being dragged.
- Using the in-game doctor’s diagnosis.
Now, move on to the next head, to learn how to cure hiccups in Virtual Family and other possible illnesses among the members of the family.
How Do Cure Hiccups in Virtual Family and Other Possible Illnesses Among the Members?
But before moving further, a quick revision about the order of the symptoms:-
- look for the action of the members in the action bar.
- The in-game movement of the virtual family members.
- Listen carefully to any noise or sound created by the members while being dragged.
Well, the cures for the illness can be found in the ‘Food & Medicine’ section of the in-game store of Virtual Family.
Hence, one by one, we would discuss the seen symptoms, what medicine should be given for that symptom, the labels mentioned on the medicine, and also their in-game cost.
Players should read this carefully to learn how to cure hiccups in Virtual Family and other possible illnesses in Virtual Family and then purchase the medicine accordingly in exchange for in-game coins.
Sr. No | Symptoms | Medicine | Labels | Cost |
1. | The throat doesn’t feel right (written in the action box), a waving action is made by the character, or a groaning noise is made by the character. | Throat Lozenges | These can soothe a rough, scratchy throat. Single-dose. Use: Administer tablet. Avoid drinking water for 15 minutes. If the sore throat persists, see a doctor. | 50 in-game coins |
2. | A Groaning noise made by the character, or stomach hurting written in the action box, or if they are seen lying on the floor. | Peptic Syrup | Useful for a variety of digestive disorders. Single-dose. Use: Administer bottle as needed. Avoid eating for 15 minutes. If the problem persists, it may indicate a more serious condition. | 35 in-game coins |
3. | The members of the virtual family can be seen sneezing and jumping around violently in the game, or the characters make a sneezing sound. | Antihistamines | These pills open the sinuses and inhibit sneezing. Single-dose. Use: Administer tablet. Avoid drinking water for 15 mins. If sneezing persists, see a doctor. | 50 in-game coins |
4. | Can’t stop coughing (written in the action box) | Antitussive Syrup | This nasty-flavoured syrup is for respiratory problems. Single-dose. Use: Administer one spoonful. Avoid drinking water for 15 mins. If the illness persists, see a doctor. | 65 in-game coins |
5. | When the character of the game feels itchy or starts to dance weirdly. | Cortisone cream | For topical use only. Single-dose. Use: Administer tablet. Avoid drinking water for 15 mins. If sneezing persists, see a doctor. | 40 in-game coins |
6. | If text such as, ‘Oww, head hurting’ is written in the action box. | Analegstic/Anti-Inflammatory | Useful for various types of pain in the head and body. Single-dose. Use: Administer tablets in succession. If the problem continues, see a doctor. | 25 in-game coins. |
7. | Hiccups | If any member of Virtual Family has hiccups, the only cure is to drag them to the sink so that they can drink water. | – | – |
Other Medicines Available in the Game
In addition to the medicines listed above, players can also obtain some other in-game medicines from the ‘Food & Medicine’ store.
These medicines include:-
- Pencilin- This medicine, which is recommended by a doctor, can be purchased for 145 in-game coins. It is used to cure persistent infections.
- Vancomycin- for 275 in-game coins, this medicine can be purchased on the doctor’s advice. It is a strong antibiotic given when the in-game character is going through a severe infection.
- Baby boost- for 2500 in-game coins, this medicine can be purchased on doctor’s advice. It is effective for both males and females and is given to them to increase their chance of producing babies.
When is a Doctor’s Diagnosis Required in the Game Virtual Family?
If the in-game character is extremely sick, then you must buy them a doctor’s diagnosis. From the doctor’s check-up, you would get information such as;
- What sickness is the character of the virtual family suffering?
- What medications are required to cure them?
- Whether they have a grave infection apart from symptoms or not.
- Which antibiotic is needed to cure the infection
After diagnosing a member of the virtual family, the doctor may tell them that they have certain serious body infections. Based on their condition, the doctor may then suggest either Penicillin or Vancomycin.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How to Cure Hiccups in Virtual Family?
Ans. If any of the in-game family members have hiccups in Virtual Family, the players should either pick up and drop or drag that person to the kitchen sink or the bathroom so that they can drink water and cure their hiccups.
Q. What to Do if Any Family Member of the Virtual Family is Feeling Upset or Depressed Over Something?
Ans. Usually, the members of the virtual family feel or get depressed when they either lose a family member or when they do not get what they want. Usually, they get themselves covered fairly enough from their loss, but sometimes, it’s difficult for them to do so.
For example, if there is a couple in the game who desperately wants to have children and fails will get blue or depressed. However, there may be some couples in the game who have not planned a baby in their lives, and when they get a little surprise in their life from the new tiny member, they will get elated by that.
Thus, in this case, when the characters in the game are emotionally sick and feeling depressed, then they would highly enjoy and appreciate the time you spend with them in the game and praise them for their actions using a green glove, fruits, candy, purchasing their home improvements, or keeping the house clean for them.
You can assist them further by getting them Psychotherapy sessions by tapping the Upgrade Me button on the Details Page.
Q. How to Raise the Energy of the Virtual Family Members if They Feel Tired?
Ans. The game Virtual Family is designed to run in real-time so that the members of the virtual family get a full night’s rest when the players do so in real life. As players, you should close the game for about 6-8 hours and leave it unpaused so that the players can sleep uninterrupted. Also, make sure that in the settings menu, the ‘Reverse Day/Night’ option is set to ‘No.’
Let’s Conclude
Thus, that was all we wanted to share with you regarding how to cure hiccups in Virtual Family and other possible illnesses in the game. We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article. If so, then visit our blog post site of GamePike.com again to read more such gaming-based content.