The MapleStory Lucid is an end boss game well-known for dropping certain valuable items, including the Arcane Umbra equipment, during the gameplay.
This ornament is extremely important in MapleStory, as it is part of the final pieces of gear that the players might need during the gameplay.
The character of Lucid is considered the final boss of the Lachelein and the third area of Arcane River. It can be played in three modes, i.e., Easy, Normal, and Hard.
Are you looking for a complete guide about MapleStory Lucid? Then you just have landed yourself at the right place.
This guided article is being curated to provide you with all the Lucid’s mechanisms and how you can ultimately become the boss of the Nightmare Clocktower.
But before going forward, we shared an overview of the Maplestory 2 Cornelian Cherries. Check out our latest guide.
So, without delaying any more, let’s get into the details.
Overview of MapleStory Lucid Particulars
Although the players can play three modes in this game, the normal and hard levels will only drop the items required for crafting the Arcane Umbra Equipment.
However, in MapleStory, there are Maplestory private servers. Using that server, you can play with anyone you want, with other players in your privacy.
The accessible mode can be just used to get the game’s mechanics. To enter this game, you should be able to fulfill the following conditions set by the developers.
They are mentioned as follows:-
- You should have completed all the Lachelian quests.
- It should be at least at level 220 or higher.
Also, there are certain limitations, for entering into this game, such as:-
- Entry is allowed once daily per mode.
- The clear count is allowed once a week, regardless of any mode.
- The practice mode is allowed only 20 times a day. And also, no rewards will be given in such a mode, even if you defeat the Lucid boss.
Apart from this, in MapleStory Lucid, 360 Arcane Force/Power (ARC) will be required to deal with the normal damages of the battle.
But if your ARC ranges between 396-457, you can deal with 10% more damage.
If you want to increase the damage percentage to about 30% to 50%, then ARC would range from 468-539 and more than 540, respectively.
The battle with the Lucid will have a time limit of 30 minutes and can be played in a pool of 1-6 players.
Each player in the pool will have a death count of 10. And when all the players reach 0, they will be kicked out of the gameplay, and the battle with Lucid will end.
Also, check out our latest Maplestory 2 Archer Skill Build guide, which will provide an accessible and enjoyable experience.
The battle in the story mode, accessible mode, and normal mode consists of two phases. At the same time, the hard way consists of 3 of them.
Thus given below is a list of the HPs required to play in each phase of the different modes of MapleStory Lucid.
1. Story Mode
- Overall HP- 21 Billion
- Phase 1- 14.7 Billion
- Phase 2- 6.3 Billion
2. Easy Mode
- Overall HP- 12 Trillion
- Phase 1- 6 Trillion
- Phase 2- 6 Trillion
3. Normal Mode
- Overall HP- 24 Trillion
- Phase 1- 12 Trillion
- Phase 2- 12 Trillion
4. Hard Mode
- Overall HP- 113.6 Trillion
- Phase 1- 50.8 Trillion
- Phase 2- 50.8 Trillion
- Phase 3- 12 Trillion
Mechanics of MapleStory Lucid Phase 1
- During phase 1, throughout the fight, you will find Lucid spawning between the lines of the flowers. They can be easily dodged by standing in the gaps.
- These flower lines will deal 20% damage in the accessible mode and 30% in average and hard mode only when they explode. So position yourself timely and adequately.
- Lucid will call over a mighty green dragon during this phase to assist her. This would pop up on your screen from either left or right.
- To protect themselves from the same, the players would jump to either side to dodge the blast made by the dragon.
- And by chance, if you miss the blast, it would lead to the instant death of the player.
- The Golems and the Mushroom mobs would be summoned in the game MapleStory at regular intervals by the Lucid.
- The Golems mobs will block the player’s path and use the teleporting skills to get past about 70% HP damage. The players should try to take down the Golems mobs immediately.
- Whereas the Mushroom mobs will slowly move in either direction to deal with the touch damage by 50%.
- About 500K is the fixed amount of damage caused in Easy and Normal modes. The hard mode has no damage limit, but it significantly takes more HP than the other modes.
- The Lucid boss will fire randomly to drop Lucid Sickles of different sizes that will slowly move throughout the map.
- On being touched, these Lucid Sickles deal with about 30% HP. The players can use their teleporting skills to dodge these.
- The players will find Butterly mobs flying around them during the fight and will also shoot bullets at the players.
- These butterflies cannot be killed, so we would like to aware the players keep a watch out for them. Also, hitting back the butterfly bullets helps you deal with about 20% HP.
- As the fight continues, these butterflies collect on the screen and will slowly zoom in toward the players and explode to deal damage.
- These butterflies can be avoided by using the Golden Trumpets on the map. The players have the power to use up to 3 trumpets to clear the butterflies on the gaming screen.
- The Lucid boss will be placing the bomb on any of the players that will detonate within 10 seconds.
- Dealing with about 199% of damage due to bombs. This damage can be spread between the players if they group up.
- The Lucid can teleport any player around the map at any time in the game.
Mechanics of MapleStory Lucid Phase 2
Phase two of the MapleStory Lucid takes you to the new map. In this, the Lucid is seen flying around, which makes it harder to deal with damage.
In this phase, the players would find several platforms to jump onto. In the hard mode, if the player falls off to the bottom, it can weaken the player’s character.
- In this phase, the dangerous Green Dragons are back. It would help if you avoided them by jumping on the Lucid map’s safe spots.
- There are two safe spots at the top and one at the bottom, so you should jump at whichever is the closest.
- Lucid will summon the laser, chasing the players around the map. You can avoid them by jumping from one platform to another. And if you get hit by the laser, it would cost you about 30% of the HP damage.
- In this phase, Lucid can turn into a fiery red character that seems to be in a rage, and in turn, she can also traverse the map in a flurry.
- To avoid the rage of Lucid, there are various safe spots on the map from where the Lucid would not be able to hurt you.
- But, if you get hit by the fiery red Lucid, it will lead you to deal with 50% HP in accessible mode, 70% HP in normal mode, and 100% HP in hard mode.
- The damage caused by the Lucid bomb and the Lucid sickles is as same as in Phase 1.
- Like phase 1, the butterflies will spawn in the background of the screen, shooting bullets at the players.
- The players will float all over the map and can dodge bullets at them to reduce damage or use the trumpet to clear the butterfly background.
- Also, the Golems mobs will have the same mechanics as in Phase 1. And the players must get rid of them as soon as possible.
Mechanics of MapleStory Lucid Phase 3
You will only be facing phase 3 in hard mode. In this phase, the players must be able to deal with about 12 Trillion HP in 40 seconds to defeat the Lucid. Otherwise, the fight would be frail.
Phase 3 will let the MapleStory Lucid spawn in a bound state in the middle of the game map. The Golems will spawn along, too, in this phase.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. At What Level Should the Players Be to Fight With Lucid?
Ans. The players should be at level 230 with at least 360 Arcane Force for playing and creating total damage to Lucid.
Q. How Can We Equip the Lucid and Arcane Umbra Equipment?
Ans. The Lucid and Arcane Umbra Equipment currently costs about 24 Phantasma Coins.
The players will be able to get 1 Phantasma Coin by exchanging about 1 Butterfly Droplet Stone and 9 Arcane River Stones.
And these items will only be retrieved when the player defeats MapleStory Lucid in the normal and hard mode.
Q. Which is Considered the Most Challenging Boss to Defeat in the Maplestory?
Ans. The final boss of Liminia, The Black Mage, found in the last region of Tenerbis, is considered the final boss of Arcane River.
It is regarded as the most complex and strongest boss in the game.
Let’s Conclude
That was all the necessary details we must share about MapleStory Lucid in the above-discussed descriptive article.
Here we have conveyed to you all the requirements, mechanics, and other points of importance necessary for you to be acquainted with defeating Lucid, the boss of Lachelein.
Along with discussing the method of equipping the Arcane Umbra Equipment.
You should now follow all the abovementioned details and try to defeat Lucid in all three modes.