Unearthed from time, the fossil Pokemon has long captivated trainers with their ancient origins and intriguing designs.
From the early generations to the most recent additions, the franchise boasts a diverse collection of fossils Pokemon that have become fan favorites.
This comprehensive article delves into the fascinating world of fossil Pokemon, exploring their unique characteristics, typings, and the tales behind their ancient past.
We shared some important details about the Pokemon Go Litten and the Shiny Litten character in Pokemon Go that you should be aware of. Check out our post.
Come along on this adventure as we learn more about these creatures that have been brought back to life, trace their evolutionary history, and discover the wonders they add to the Pokemon world.
Let’s prepare for an archaeology journey through the years as you search for all the fossil Pokemon that have shaped the franchise.
Also, you can check out the top game releases in this running year. You can explore the complete list of top games.
Let’s get started!!
All Fossil Pokemon in all Generation
1. Kabuto & Kabutops
Kabuto is classified as a Rock/Water type Pokemon equipped with a tough exterior shell.
Meanwhile, its evolved form, Kabutops, is renowned for its scythe-shaped forelimbs. These prehistoric creatures remain a highly sought-after addition to any trainer’s collection due to their distinct lineage and formidable combat prowess.
2. Omanyte and Omastar
Omanyte, a Rock/Water type with a spiral shell, evolves into the formidable Omastar.
These ancient water-dwelling Pokémon were revived from fossils and boasted unique designs and abilities, adding an intriguing touch to their overall appeal.
3. Aerodactyl
Opinions vary on its mega evolution; some feel it could benefit from a cute pre-evolved form.
As a rock/flying type, Aerodactyl impresses with its speed, defense, and striking design. It can be found in all mainline Pokemon games, though obtaining it may require trade or transferring from a previous game.
4. Anorith and Armaldo
Anorith, a Rock/Bug type, boasts a tenacious survival instinct, while its evolved form, Armaldo, is distinguished by its powerful claws and unmatched defensive skills.
These ancient creatures offer trainers unparalleled options in battle, highlighting their impressive strength and adaptability.
5. Lileep and Cradily
Lileep, a Rock/Grass type, captivates with its flower-like appearance, tentacles, and restorative abilities.
Its evolution, Cradily, takes on a stationary form, boasting trapping capabilities alongside its Rock/Grass typing. These intriguing creatures offer trainers a blend of unique skills and a fascinating origin story to explore.
6. Cranidos and Rampardos
Cranidos boasts a robust head and charging attacks, while its evolved form, Rampardos, exemplifies unparalleled physical strength.
These Rock-type Pokémon excel in offense, making them formidable choices for trainers seeking raw power and resilience in battles.
7. Shieldon and Bastiodon
Shieldon, a Rock/Steel type, boasts a protective face shield and formidable defenses. Its evolved form, Bastiodon, elevates its defensive capabilities with a giant face shield.
These stalwart Pokémon excel at creating impenetrable walls, establishing a solid defensive foundation for any team.
8. Tirtouga and Carracosta
Tirtouga, a Water/Rock type, stands out with its exceptional swimming skills and powerful jaws.
Evolving into Carracosta, it gains a massive shell and formidable aquatic abilities.
These ancient Pokémon provide a versatile blend of offense and defense, proving hard assets for any team.
9. Archen and Archeops
Archen, a Rock/Flying type, exhibits a determined spirit despite its tiny wings.
In contrast, its evolved form, Archeops, commands formidable speed and mighty wings. These ancient Pokemon embody perseverance and unleash devastating aerial assaults, making them exciting additions to any team.
10. Tyrunt and Tyrantrum
Its evolution, Tyrantrum, is a massive and intimidating Rock/Dragon Pokémon renowned for its powerful bite and formidable presence.
Together, these ancient creatures elevate the strength and dominance of any team they join.
11. Amaura and Aurorus
Amaura, a Rock/Ice type, emanates a soothing aura through its icy-blue body.
Evolving into Aurorus, it exudes a majestic presence and wields the ability to revive life and conjure blizzards.
These elegant Pokemon captivate with their icy prowess, making them a mesmerizing choice for any team.
12. Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, and Arctovish
Players can obtain four fossils in these games and combine them to create entirely new creatures.
By bringing a Fossilized Bird or Fossilized Fish with a Fossilized Drake or Fossilized Dino to Cara Liss on Route 6, players can create four distinct Pokemon.
These include the Electric/Dragon-type Dracozolt (Bird + Drake), Water/Dragon-type Dracovish (Fish + Drake), Electric/Ice-type Arctozolt (Bird + Dino), and Water/Ice-type Arctovish (Fish + Dino).
Our Thoughts
As we conclude this expedition through the fossil-filled world of Pokémon, we hope you have gained a deeper appreciation for these ancient creatures.
So, go forth, trainer, and continue your exploration of the Pokémon franchise. The world of Fossil Pokemon eagerly awaits your discovery. May you unearth more hidden treasures and create unforgettable memories along the way.
Happy Hunting!