One of the powerful Water/Psychic-type Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet, Veluza, has different kinds of strengths and weaknesses.
This article will give trainers an idea about the vulnerabilities of Veluza, identify the best moves that should be used against it, and a few counters to maximize your strategies in battle.
If you are battling Veluza in competition or as part of your adventure, a Veluza weakness guide will have everything you need.
Understanding Veluza’s Typing and Veluza Weakness
- Water Type: Generally, Water-type Pokémon are super resistant to Fire, Water, Ice, and Steel types of attacks. They are weak to Grass and Electric.
- Psychic Typing: Psychic types are insensitive to Fighting and Poison moves but weak against Bug, Ghost, and Dark attacks.
Veluza’s dual type makes it vulnerable to the following:
- Electric
- Grass
- Bug
- Ghost
- Dark
This brings in a very high number of move types against Veluza and several weaknesses left open to being exploited during the battle.
Best Moves to Take Advantage of the Veluza Weakness
To counter Veluza, one needs to be alert to the moves that can attack the weak points. Here are the best moves for each of the move types that Veluza is weak in:
1. Electric Moves
- Thunderbolt: Very reliable and high damage while paralyzing the opponent
- Wild Charge: Heavy power with recoil damage.
- Thunder: High-risk, high reward because it only has a few percent to land but has a big payoff.
2. Grass Moves
- Leaf Blade: Hits fairly well and has a good critical hit rate, especially when he hits hard.
- Energy Ball: This is one special attack and makes Special Defense.
- Solar Beam: Relatively strong, though, as slower if the beam is sent from under the sun.
3. Bug Moves
- U-turn: Hit and run-advance with it first.
- X-Scissor: It moves in overall and possibly is one of the strongest attacks coming from any bug-type user.
- Leech Life: A destructive attack and cure to the Pokémon.
4. Ghost Moves
- Shadow Ball: Pure special attack. Has a chance to lower Special Defense by one.
- Hex: Powerful if the targeted Pokémon has any status condition
- Phantom Force: The effect of phantom force would disappear the first turn but attack the next. It hits through Protect.
5. Dark Attacks
- Crunch: Physical move that might lower the target’s Defense.
- Dark Pulse: A special attack that may also make the target flinch
- Knock Off: Removes a held item on the target’s side and attacks.
Top Counters of Veluza
Just as the selection of the strongest counter to Veluza, its selection depends highly on choosing the best attack for the fight.
Here are some of the top counters.
- Electric-Type Pokemon: Electric-types such as Jolteon, Magnezone, and Rotom (Wash) are excellent. These Pokémon use Veluza weakness against Electric-type attacks but are resistant to its Water-type attacks.
- Grass-Type Pokemon: Grass-types like Roserade, Tangrowth, and Amoonguss can knock down Veluza using super-effective Grass moves. Additionally, they have an advantage in defence as they are immune to Water moves.
- Bug-Type Pokemon: Other bug-types such as Scizor, Volcarona, and Heracross can easily cause substantial damage to Veluza with a Bug type of attack. Veluza’s Steel type also reduces the damage caused to Scizor by Psychic moves.
- Ghost-Type Pokemon: Ghost-type Pokémon that include Gengar, Chandelure, and Dragapult are known to attack Veluza on its weak spot without affecting the Psychic-type moves.
- Dark-type Pokemon: Among the best dark types to take on this mission are Tyranitar, Hydreigon, and Umbreon. Veluza cannot counter Dark-type moves. It’s resistant to Psychic-type moves as well, which makes it an excellent counterpart for Veluza.
Ways to Confound Veluza
Knowing Veluza’s fighting behavior will automatically boost your probability of victory. Here is some good tactical advice:
- Status Conditions: The attack moves such as Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Will-O-Wisp can paralyze Veluza and badly weaken it to reduce its overall performance.
- Lower Special Defense: Veluza is less strong for Special Defense. It is still sensitive to all the Special attackers if there is a Shadow Ball or Thunderbolt.
- Speed Advantage: This Pokémon has average speed, and it needs faster opponents so that opponents of this kind have time to react with an attack.
- Do not Allow Fillet Away Establish: With the attack buff from the skill Fillet Away that Veluza receives, HP takes a small hit while getting offensive stat enhancement. Look for this and have it gone real fast before sweeping from Veluza.
When one comes to know the Veluza weaknesses of the character, then there is certainly a tendency to invite defeat in one’s opponent.
One commits some sort of mistake which he does in normal circumstances:
- Not Judging It Wisely in Its Movepool: Veluza has moves, and the list consists of Ice Beam, Aqua Jet, and Psychic, which can protect its weaknesses partly.
- One Counter is Not Enough: One counter alone might not suffice, as Veluza could have some pretty solid team support. Bring several Pokémon with moves that take advantage of its weaknesses.
- Not Accounting for Its Offense: Veluza’s base Attack and Special Attack are not terrible. Do not let it stick around too long.
Final Thoughts
Veluza has dual typing-Water and Psychic, meaning flexibility over most but exposed to various movements as well.
This time round, with your newfound Electric/Grass/Bug/Ghost/Dark move, all can easily work your way around turning this game toward you by focusing upon their weak moves. The right Pokemons and timely plays are part of today’s steps to overcome the unique opponent.
With this Veluza weakness guide, you’re well-equipped to face this formidable Pokémon in any scenario. By understanding its strengths and exploiting its weaknesses, victory is well within your grasp.
Good luck, and may your battles be ever successful!