Destiny 2 is full of secrets, secret missions, and unique mechanics. One of the more interesting things about the Dreaming City is the item Corsair Down.
If you have received this item but are unsure of what is next, this guide will break down how to use Corsair Down Destiny 2, where to find fallen Corsairs, and what rewards you can gain.
It includes such mystical activity and interesting lore, that is, the second game called Destiny 2. But amongst them, from that list in the Dreaming City, most of them look the most interesting about the so-called Corsair Down.
So, if ever you did happen to find this thing and had no clue what to do with it, well then, this guide walks you through everything in little detail, from how you got the item, finding downed Corsairs, and what have you with what you expect from these rewards that lie before you once done with those mini-quests.
What is Corsair Down Destiny 2?
You will find various questlines revolving around fallen Corsairs, that are real awakened soldiers to avenge when you receive smaller questlines where you finish while getting those rewards and then going on to proceed with the remaining experience within the Dreaming City fighting Scorn.
How to Get Corsair Down Destiny 2?
Corsair Down can be obtained by luck, but it is easier to obtain by completing specific activities in the Dreaming City:
- Kill Scorn Enemies: Corsair Down can be obtained on every Scorn enemy when killed. Complete Public Events- Public Events, most especially heroic versions, increase the chances of receiving Corsair Down from enemies that get killed.
- Run Lost Sectors: The Lost Sectors Bay of Drowned Wishes, Aphelion’s Rest, and Chamber of Starlight are pretty packed with enemies, and the drop chance increases.
- Complete Blind Well Activity: The enemies inside the blind well also tend to drop some Corsair Down, so another good farming option is available for you.
When you locate Corsair Down, an obscure clue in your inventory will lead you to the location where a crushed Corsair waits in ambush. Your job will be to spot and interact with the fallen guy.
Where Do Fallen Corsairs Live?
Next to Corsair Down Destiny 2 is tracking down the dropped Corsair. There, in your inventory, is a description of them.
- Divalian Mists: You can see them near cliffs, and cave spawn areas with battle Scorn zones, respectively.
- Strand: Some downed Corsairs are located near the remnants of battles of the enemy, where you may find cliffs.
- Rheasilvia: You can find many downed Corsairs inside the temple grounds and Lost Sectors.
- Lost Sectors: At the location of Aphelion’s Rest, Chamber of Starlight, and Bay of Drowned Wishes, you’ll discover several more downed Corsairs.
Upon being sent to a dead Corsair, you will interact with the dead body. Then, this will lead you to move on to pursue your mission further.
How to Complete the Downed Corsair Quest?
To complete your quest, do the following:
- Find Fallen Corsair: Use the leads you have from your Awoken soldier. The item, Corsair Down, will guide you in finding the fallen Awoken soldier.
- Kill Target: The game will see fit to throw in a named enemy or even a group of Scorn. Kill them and finish the quest.
- Collect the Corsair Badge: After the activity, collect the Corsair Badge as proof that the objective is completed.
- Hand Over the Badge to an Awoken Outpost: Go to an Awoken Guard in the Dreaming City and take your reward for submitting the badge.
Reward of Corsair Down Destiny 2 Objectives
Activities completed with Corsair Down objectives have pretty useful rewards, such as:
- Dreaming City Arms and Armor: Only equipment through the loot table of the Dreaming City.
- Dark Fragments: Reward of Petra Venj.
- Legendary and Exotic Engrams: The most expensive loot roll for additional gear enhancement.
- Dreaming City Lore Entries: This opens up even more lore for the Awoken and the Dreaming City.
The payoff is different, but completing all the activities in Corsair Down pays for itself with increased loot and the rich lore found throughout the Dreaming City.
Top Strategies to Accomplish Corsair Down Activities
To be as effective as possible when completing Corsair Down objectives, keep the following tips in mind:
- Farm in Lost Sectors: Given the sheer number of enemies that appear in Lost Sectors, this is the best place to farm up in the Corsair Down and complete fallen Corsair activities.
- Use a Fireteam: Your experiences will become that much easier, as will the total time spent on all the encounters in the game as you team up.
- Red Clues Carefully: Although the Corsair Down item does tell you where Corsairs have been defeated so that you do not waste your time looking for a character you defeated and get nary a thing, keep an eye out for.
- Turn in Corsair Badges Right Away: You no longer earn points for holding onto badges when you collect them, so make sure you turn them in.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I Get More Than One Corsair Down Item at One Time?
Ans. Well, of course, you can collect a few Corsair Down items, but you wouldn’t want to occupy too much of your inventory.
Q. Do Corsair Down Enemies Have Difficulty Levels?
Ans. The enemy’s difficulty changes with location, but most can be dealt with as a solo play. Mini-bosses, however, need a fireteam for faster completion.
Q. Does Any Enemy in the Dreaming City Drop the Corsair Down?
Ans. Any enemy can drop it, but the Scorn have the highest drop rate for it.
Q. Is Corsair Down a Part of Big Questline?
Ans. No, it is not being used in any significant quest line; however, its drop improves the activities concerning lore for Dreaming City.
Q. How Likely Does Corsair Down Drop?
Ans. It drops at random, but Lost Sectors, Public Events, and even the Blind Well improve your likelihood of getting it.
Wrapping It Up
Although that’s pretty cool for a side quest, Corsair Down does deepen the Dreaming City in Destiny 2. First of all, know how to find fallen Corsairs efficiently, finish objectives, and redeem badges to get some rewards.
Whether you are just some casual guardian or some hardcore player, these quests add a level of depth to Scorn’s fight against the Dreaming City.
Now that you’ve learned everything you know about Corsair Down, go to the Dreaming City, find where the downed Corsairs are located, and save the Awoken from her fight.