
How to play Roblox on PS4 (PlayStation 4)

Thinking about how to get Roblox on PS4? Well, in that case, you are not alone. A majority of players want to play their...

How to Strikethrough on Discord

Searcing for how to strikethrough on Discord? Well, in that case, you’ve clicked the rightmost link. If you are new to Discord, then this...

10 Best Minecraft House Ideas for Beginners

New to Minecraft and are searching for the best Minecraft House ideas for beginners? Scroll down the page to the end and get a...

10 Best Minecraft Seeds You Can Use

Minecraft experience is greatly influenced by where you want to start the game, which makes picking the perfect seed crucial. Whether you want a...

PS5 Pre-Order Registration Started, Sign Up ASAP

Although the PlayStation 5 is about to release later this year, we're still missing some key info about the console. Sony has revealed the console's look,...

PlayStation 5 Revealed – Sony’s next-gen console is here

After waiting so long finally, Sony reveals the next-gen console’s design. The PlayStation 5 reveal event wouldn't be complete without the reveal. thereto end, Sony showed...

New Games On Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC This Week

This is an excellent week to revisit some games you'll have already played. Mortal Kombat 11 is getting an action-packed epilogue with the Aftermath expansion, and Xenoblade Chronicles:...

Upcoming Games – May 2020 STAY HOME STAY SAFE

Some of the games  has been postponed, several games including Saints Row: The Third Remastered, Minecraft: Dungeons, Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris are set...

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla – The Next Game in the AC Franchise

Ubisoft reveals its new performance trailer for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, the new Viking-themed entry within the long-running franchise. On 30th April, Ubisoft and BossLogic teamed up to tease...

PS5 Controller DualSense Revealed

Sony has finally shown off the controller for the upcoming PlayStation 5. instead of choosing its traditional DualShock branding, however, the PS5 controller is mentioned within the announcement made...